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Wednesday 13 May 2015

The quick routine for upper body strength

The quick routine for upper body strength
We all want to have all round strength in our bodies. It can increase our performance across the board, even when we don't think we require it. Runners often take care of their quads and calves without thinking about the muscles in the upper body. In fact, elite runners use their whole body to run as efficiently as possible. Targeting upper body muscle can help tone and strengthen your shoulders, arms and chest.

Men especially are conditioned to think the only way to get a muscular chest is through using weights. But there are many other way to build up upper body strength. Here we suggest some daily exercises, that may seem challenging at first, but help to build up your core strength and endurance. The great new is you can practice these activities almost anywhere, as no equipment will be required.

Every day, do three sets of pushups. A set is as many pushups as you can. Rest 3 minutes between each set.

The quick routine for upper body strength
Lie in a plank position with elbows bent towards the side, and straighten arms. If the exercise is too difficult. do it with your knees on the floor.

Plank arm rowe

Lie in the push up position, with your arms fully stretched. Lift one arm back and off the floor, pointing upwards. Keep feet on the ground.

The quick routine for upper body strength
Plank arm rowe

Downward dog to upward dog

Start in a push up position, with the arms fully extended. Move your hips up and stretch one of your legs out, forming a V shape.

The quick routine for upper body strength

Arm circles

Extend your arms out and do small circular motions for 50 seconds. Switch direction and try again.

Tags: The quick routine for upper body strength, upper body workout routine sculpt tone arms, cardio for the upper body arms and chest

The quick routine for upper body strength
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