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Friday 7 November 2014

The best advice and tips to learn a new language

The best advice and tips to learn a new language
Learning a new language is hard, and often people go about it the wrong way. Most people believe that some people are talented at learning languages and others aren't; but this is the wrong way to approach language learning. The truth is there is no language learning gene, and often the most successful language learners only started to learn languages later in life. For instance, Benny Lewis and Tim Ferriss are two polyglot internet stars who can speak many languages and only achieved this through approaching language learning with the right attitude and method. Here is a compilation of the best tips to learn a foreign language effectively.
1. Keep Motivated. It's very common to go through phases with language learning, to start on a high and eventually give up, or in the best cases experience highs and lows. Recognising why you want to learn the language is key; and finding resources in the language you are learning is also important. Try and make the learning process enjoyable and interesting. It also helps to keep your goal in mind and a reason for learning. If you have trouble studying for long periods, break the study sessions down to 10 or 15 minute blocks.
2. Interact in the language you are learning. When it comes to learning a foreign language it's not about living in the country they speak it. Most expacts living abroad spend years there without learning the language. There is nothing "in the air" of foreign countries that magically create the language learning process. Make sure to spend a lot of time daily listening to the language, looking up new words and watching media in the target language. Reading daily in your target language is also important, wether it be a book or internet websites that take your interest.
3. Age has absolutely nothing to do with language learning. Adults can be better language learners than kids. Adults have a better jist for grammar rules than children. Learning is a question of studying and effort.
4. Learn vocabulary in context. Don't memorize lists of vocabulary. Associating words is important, learn through context, sentences and texts that have to do with things you have experienced yourself. This way the context will be relevant and connect to your life experience.
5. Set achievable goals. Set measurable goals, for example, follow the European Common Framework that defines language levels. B2 to is a good target to master a language socially, whereas C2 is a good target to master a language professionally. It's important to set small goals as you learn the language, with shorter time frames such as 1 to 4 months. This is motivating and realistic.
6. Make mistakes and don't give up. To learn a language you need to place emphasis on communication rather than perfection. Don't worry about making mistakes, as a beginner you will have to speak boldly and sometimes your sentences will be very simplistic. If you are making mistakes, you know you are practicing the language, so it is important to aim to make mistakes. Langauge is an active process and it never stops because it's culture learning, personal growth and endless improvement. You may find that as you learn more about a language, you may learn more about your first language, especially grammar and structure. Learning a second language may make you not feel smart enough, but errors are NOT a reflection on your intelligence. They are necessary to acquire new language skills. Errors will pave your way to success.
7. Conclusion: Learn many foreign languages. Once you have learned a foreign language you can repeat the process multiple times to learn as many languages as you want. However, it is good to focus on one language at a time, until you reach the intermediate level. If you want to speak a language for the rest of your life, it will require constant practice, improvement and perseverance. There is a lot of online support in the polyglot community, that will offer their encouragement as well.
The best advice and tips to learn a new language

The best advice and tips to learn a new language
Tags: The best advice and tips to learn a new language, tips to learn a new language faster, best way to learn a new language quickly, learn new language website, advice for learning a new language
The best advice and tips to learn a new language
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